What to Expect


What can I expect on at my first session? No two first sessions are the same, just as no two people are the same. Although there is much diversity in how first sessions look, there are some main pillars to expect in your first session with me:

  • Go over informed consent and limits to confidentiality
  • Identify your presenting concern
  • Take history as relevant to your concern
  • Discuss and expectations or questions regarding counselling
  • Identify the goals you want to see happen in counselling
  • Get to know each other and what styles will fit for your counselling journey


During counselling we are often addressing topics that are difficult and can bring up emotional discomfort. In the beginning you may feel a slight increase in distress as typically you have worked hard to stay away from certain distressing thoughts and feelings. The saying that sometimes it gets worse before it gets better can be quite applicable to the counselling process.

I strongly encourage you to stick with your counselling process as the benefits of can be plentiful. You may experience an improved view of yourself which in turn effects your relationships positively. You may experience less distress and have a more manageable outlook on the issue then when you first came in. You can also expect relief from emotional pain and possible changes in life style behaviours that make you feel healthier and have more motivation. The list can go on, but you get the picture. If you commit to counselling it has many benefits to offer.