How long will it take?
This is something that is unique to each individual and will depend on factors such as severity and complexity of presenting concern, pacing of session and financial considerations. I will talk with you through out our time together to discuss what is most responsible treatment for you. Sometimes sessions are more frequent at the start, then as things progress, we may decide to lengthen space between sessions. You are always in charge of when you take a break from counselling or decide to end it
You are always welcome to come back when you feel it is right for you.
Will I get reimbursed for counselling?
I am Registered with The College of Alberta Psychologists and will provide my registration number on each receipt. Most health plans have extended coverage for psychology and counselling services that will reimbursed you once you send your receipt in.
What if I need more sessions than I can afford?
If you are no longer able to pay for counselling but need another session or two, we can asess if it is suitable to pay a reduced rate. This is taken on a case by case basis and reserved for those who are in most need.
We can also discuss referals to comminity servies that are of low cost.
Is counselling confidential?
As a registered psychologist in Alberta, I am bound to the standards of practice of the College of Alberta Psychologists.
Client confidentiality is an ethical standard that is followed by all registered psychologists and important function of the counselling relationship.
Every client that is over 18, must give consent to participate counselling, and is in charge of where their information is shared. I can only share information outside of our counselling relationship if you sign a specific Release of Information form stating whom you would like me to contact and what spedific information you would like to be shared.
There are limits to confidentiality that are in place to fufill a professional duty of responsible care to keep you and members of the public safe. These limits will be discussed in our first session and any questions you have about these limits will be answered.